Nimble Podiatry

Mar 28, 20222 min

“Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist?”

“Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist?”

It’s a common question podiatrist are regularly asked. You do not need a referral to see a podiatrist. Some people still believe that they will need to get a referral from their GP before they’re able to book an appointment with a podiatrist. But this is not the case.

When Do I Need A Referral To See A Podiatrist?

There are some occasions when a referral is needed though but these are few and far between. You might need a referral to see a podiatrist if you fall under a medical concession scheme such as the Department of Veteran Affairs or Worker’s Compensation.

How Much Will A Podiatrist Appointment Cost?

If you’re booking an appointment at Nimble Podiatry, you can get in touch and enquire about the cost of the appointment on 08 85310499.

Can I Claim My Podiatry Fees On My Private Health Insurance?

Depending on the type of cover you have, you may be able to submit a claim to your private health insurance provider for the cost of your podiatry appointment.

Some health insurers allow you to automatically claim when you pay the podiatrist, so what you’re covered for is immediately deducted from what you have to pay on the day.

Others may require you to pay for it yourself and then submit your receipts and a claim form and have the refund paid to your bank account.

Please note you cannot claim both from your private health and from Medicare.

It’s always a good idea to ask your health insurer exactly what they will cover from your treatment and appointments so there are no nasty surprises along the way.

Your podiatrist can give you the specific codes for each appointment type or treatment, and you can then ask your insurer what amount they will cover for each one.

So don’t suffer in pain thinking you need a referral to see a podiatrist – you don’t! Book your appointment today.
